Main Page Re-designed

I have just uploaded the latest redesign of the main page. The rest of the site will soon be undergoing a similar face lift as I get the site ready for a move to a new host. It will still have the same domain name, just hosted elsewhere.

Have a look at the new look at:

Latest Updates: Kevin’s Portal Updated

I have just updated what I call ‘Kevin’s Portal.’ It has taken me a while to get several updates to the portal online as I was unable to access the server – I now can obviously.

The latest update includes ‘Kwitter.’ Kwitter is an online daily newspaper of the links I post in Twitter and those of links posted by people I follow on Twitter. It needs to be remembered that I don’t necessarily agree with everyone I follow on Twitter and there are a number of reasons I follow some of these people. Depending on what gets ‘selected’ for this newspaper (it is virtually automatic at this stage) may also determine just who I follow on Twitter. I have no interest in following unwholesome rubbish for example.

This newspaper service is currently in ‘alpha,’ so it is fairly new. I do like the idea behind it though and I think it does have a lot of potential. The actual link to the paper itself (which updates daily) is at:

The Portal:

Exciting News at the Particular Baptist Library: New Site is a Wiki

As visitors to will be aware, the Particular Baptist Library site is a library of links to many hundreds of books hosted at and from many other sites around the web. It is in effect a ‘links library.’ This sort of a site can be very difficult to maintain, with links being changed regularly and sites disappearing – therefore dead links are are real problem in such a library.

With the revamp of the site, I thought it was time for a major revamp of the library as well. The old site will remain as is for the time being – and I expect that that will be quite some time – as the new site is developed. The new site is in fact a wiki site, thereby allowing visitors who are also members of the ‘wiki editing team’ to update the site as they feel necessary. Hopefully, over time, this will allow the library links to stay up to date a lot easier and quicker
than has been the case in the past.

But the library will also be improved through the addition of user generated book reviews. As the library grows, visitors (members of the wiki editing team) will be able to add their own book reviews to each book entry. Each book entry will have a link to the online book and a place for the book to be reviewed. There will also be book entries that have no online link, being essentially a book entry containing a book review/s only. I would expect it to be also possible to provide links to sites
where the book can be purchased.

The site is in development and can be viewed at:

I am accepting people who want to be part of the ‘wiki editing team’ now and into the future. To be accepted as part of the wiki editing team at Particular Baptist Library, you will need to be a Christian of reformed faith and understanding. Those who are not reformed are asked to not apply for editing privileges, though you are most welcome at the library and I would warmly encourage you to make full use of it. I make no apology for seeking to maintain the site as a reformed library, as keeping with the reformed nature of the site and sites.

Latest Updates at and Associated Sites

Kevin’s Portal

I have been doing a little bit more work on ‘Kevin’s Portal,’ which is the place that you can go to to see what I’m doing on the World Wide Web. There have been a few minor changes there and these include the following:

1. Scribd: I have embedded my Romans Bible Study series on the portal page as an introduction to my presence at Scribd, the online publishing site. I think Scribd is a wonderful site for publishing content on the wider web and have decided that I will use the site more in upcoming weeks, months and years. I love the embedding capability provided by Scribd. It is a very presentable method of posting things like Bible Studies, books, etc.

2. I mention at the portal that I’m now on Skype. I tried to join Skype some years ago but for some reason I couldn’t get it to work on the computer I then had. It works brilliantly on the new computer, so I now have that up and running.

3. There are some changes coming to my site, which is listed in the directory at my portal. It is moving to, though this is not yet mentioned on the portal itself. I’ll have this up today sometime. The reason for this has been explained in posts at the new site. The move will take some time to complete as it is a large site.

4. Chat Room: I have now added a link to a chat room on the portal. Feel free to pop over and have a look. I believe you need to request admittance to the chat room before you are able to do so. Please make mention of the reason why you would like to enter the room, as I do want to protect it from abuse and spammers.

Have a look at Kevin’s Portal:


Bible Studies

As mentioned earlier in the post, I have start to post Bible Studies to Scribd. While doing this, I hope to update and review the Bible Studies section of the site.

The studies thus far available at Scribd are at:

New Home Page Now Online

The redesigned homepage is now online. There are several new features available on the homepage, including options to post the page on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg and StumbleUpon. It will be some time before the entire site reflects the redesign that has begun at the homepage.

Over time some of the existing sections of the site will be removed, while new sections and features will be added to the site. Have a look at the beginning of our redesign and if you would like to comment in our guestbook, you will notice that the old guestbook is no more. There is now a page on ‘The Blog’ that acts as our new guestbook – simply leave your entries on this page via the comments option.

There may be some tweeks over the next few weeks and I welcome any comments you may have.

Welcome to our New Blog is pleased to launch its newest Blog, ‘The Blog.’ The purpose of this new Blog is to consolidate several of our Blogs and information/notification services, thereby providing a central location for news, updates, book reviews, uploading of new Bible studies, online books, etc. This will provide our site visitors with the opportunity of keeping up to date with what is going on at via the Blog, email subscriptions, etc.

Visitors to our site will also be able to interact far more easily with the site owner and with other visitors via the comments facility provided in the Blog. Given the possibilities of the Blog for increasing visitor interaction with the site, I will also be removing the Guestbook on our site and placing one (of sorts) in the Blog. You will find a link to it on the Blog.

I hope this Blog proves useful to our site visitors and improves the service that provides. It will be of great service as a means of notification to our regular visitors to changes to our site (it is about to be redesigned and upgraded), of new content that is added, etc.

This Blog will be replacing the following Blogs:

  • At the Bookshelf

  • Particular Baptist Studies