Main Page

Hi all – I must apologise for the lack of work on the site over the last few months. Good intentions do not always mean actual progress I’m afraid. I’ve been held up from work on the site for all manner of reasons, but hopefully I can now get back to some more much needed updates and work. It doesn’t take much for things to change on the web and I already need to change pages I updated earlier in the year. The Digg buttons are going to be removed as it has now been sold off and I can’t see it becoming anything much. Also Facebook has changed a few button things, so they need to be updated also.

I have spent quite a bit of time mucking about with the main page trying to get it to work how I want it to. Not sure I have suceeded, but hopefully it will be OK. It’s the best I can get it at the moment, but may try some more fiddling with it in days to come. If you were on the front page at all in the last couple of hours I apologise for the constant changes and confusion that seemed to be there – just couldn’t get it right lol.

There are some useful things to come I thing, with quite a few structural changes to the site also. Some things will go, being redundant and no longer relevant. Other things will be added and much more improved. Parts of the site offline for far too long will come back online sooner rather than later I hope.

They are the intentions and plans anyhow. Bit by bit it will happen.

Have a look at:

Exciting News at the Particular Baptist Library: New Site is a Wiki

As visitors to will be aware, the Particular Baptist Library site is a library of links to many hundreds of books hosted at and from many other sites around the web. It is in effect a ‘links library.’ This sort of a site can be very difficult to maintain, with links being changed regularly and sites disappearing – therefore dead links are are real problem in such a library.

With the revamp of the site, I thought it was time for a major revamp of the library as well. The old site will remain as is for the time being – and I expect that that will be quite some time – as the new site is developed. The new site is in fact a wiki site, thereby allowing visitors who are also members of the ‘wiki editing team’ to update the site as they feel necessary. Hopefully, over time, this will allow the library links to stay up to date a lot easier and quicker
than has been the case in the past.

But the library will also be improved through the addition of user generated book reviews. As the library grows, visitors (members of the wiki editing team) will be able to add their own book reviews to each book entry. Each book entry will have a link to the online book and a place for the book to be reviewed. There will also be book entries that have no online link, being essentially a book entry containing a book review/s only. I would expect it to be also possible to provide links to sites
where the book can be purchased.

The site is in development and can be viewed at:

I am accepting people who want to be part of the ‘wiki editing team’ now and into the future. To be accepted as part of the wiki editing team at Particular Baptist Library, you will need to be a Christian of reformed faith and understanding. Those who are not reformed are asked to not apply for editing privileges, though you are most welcome at the library and I would warmly encourage you to make full use of it. I make no apology for seeking to maintain the site as a reformed library, as keeping with the reformed nature of the site and sites.